Custom Solutions

BCS leads special studies that answer pressing questions in the absence of sufficient or rigorous research to guide solutions. These studies have focused on transparency, accountability, best practice and participatory approaches.
In Mali, BCS carried out a study for Oxfam America describing the process of gold mining and tracing the pathways of mining revenues: Hidden Treasure: In search of Mali’s gold mining revenues, is available in French and English at
In Uganda, BCS led a ground-breaking three-year study of the impacts on transparency and accountability of a multi-stakeholder model of community engagement with Maendeleo ya Jamii in Uganda and Florida State University. The study generated a baseline report, a mixed-methods report, a final report, shorter papers and multiple presentations. A summary of the study is available here
In collaboration with the London School of Economics and Ashridge, BCS produced a background paper, Rights, Risk and Responsibility, exploring the potential for building shared understanding between communities and companies using participatory methods.
For Business for Social Responsibility, BCS wrote Large Mines and Communities, astudy of best practices based on multiple mining projects to determine the potential for mining companies to contribute to sustainable local development.
For USAID, BCS wrote The Public-Private Alliances of USAID in Angola: An Assessment of Lessons Learned and Ways Forward.
Impact of Stakeholder Engagement
Transparency and accountability impacts of multi-stakeholder forums in communities in Western Uganda