BCS supports and works to promote the assertion that companies that integrate significant contributions to local communities into their core operations will deliver greater long-term value to shareholders and future generations, building the loyalty and trust that ensure viable, sustainable, profitable growth.
Companies are increasingly judged not only on their ability to deliver a profit for shareholders but also on how this profit was generated. Public perception of a company’s ethical behavior, civic responsibility, environmental impact, and contribution to positive social change can significantly affect corporate reputation and brand equity. Corporate executives face significant challenges to effectively manage project impacts on local communities where they work.
Understanding the complexities and value generated by mutually supportive business-community relationships can be a daunting task in today’s increasingly complex global society. And, as companies are increasingly coming to realize – one size does not fit all when it comes to devising strategies for developing effective business-community relationships.
So, how can companies ensure that they are able to develop positive relationships with local communities in order to minimize risk to their reputation? How can companies develop constructive working relationships with local communities that allow them to deliver greater long-term value to shareholders, other stakeholders, and future generations?
Business-Community Synergies (BCS) offers a new, disciplined approach to establishing meaningful stakeholder engagement and effective collaboration between businesses, their public and private stakeholders, and the communities that they serve.
It is an approach that will yield concrete change in communities, strengthen communities’ willingness to work with corporations, and at the same time enhance a client’s wealth and reputation.
What really distinguishes BCS is its “accountability orientation.” It ensures that companies can successfully examine, understand, analyze, react, plan, implement and account for results. It adds value with hands-on interpretation, recommendations, implementation, and evaluation services. It is an unparalleled strategy, which ensures that clients can account for performance to grow true long-lasting value.

Four principles guide all BCS work:
- Respect all stakeholders’ knowledge, languages and ways of thinking.
- Understand local power structures and relationships.
- Consider histories, diversities and past relationships.
- Assess and develop capacities for shared understanding.